The Puck Movie-Master Wiki

Sex & Nudity:[]

Sex & Nudity: 8/10.

Lots of passionete kissing throughout.

A man and a woman kiss and land on a couch and begin to take out each other's clothing and the woman begins to moan, implying that they have sex. The woman is shown partially naked.

Lots of pervasive language in sexual context.

A man walks completely naked on a football field and his bare buttocks are exposed.

Lots of people are shown bare-chested.

A man and a woman begins to kiss passionetely and they take off each other's clothing. The woman's buttocks and breasts are fully exposed and she begins to moan. The man is sweating alot and they moving into position on a sexual way. This is a very graphic sex scene.

A man kisses some of his female fans.

A man says that the football-team of Spain can kiss his ass.

Some romantic scenes with some sexual content.

A man and a woman begin to kiss passionetely and prepare to have sex, but the woman says she is not ready for it yet, so they stop.

Some hugging, non-sexual.

Violence & Gore:[]

Violence & Gore: 5/10.

During the football scenes, some of the football-players have trickles of blood on their face. Also a man is beaten up by a gang and he has graphic blood and bruises on his face. Also some references to violence. Some fights between different football-players, all resulting in some bruising. Also football-players have their leg broken or twisted during football-matches or some others are stomped to the ground.


Profanity: 8/10.

Extreme pervasive language throughout.

At least 147 uses of "fuck" and it's derivatives, some of them on a sexual way. 3 uses of "bitch" and dozens of uses of "shit". Also some uses of "god-damn" and some sexual references.


Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: 2/10.

It is implied that one of the football-players has a dope-addiction. One scene depicts this addiction.

Frightening/ Intense Scenes:[]

Frightening/ Intense Scenes: 7/10.

The entire film is intense due to the questions: "whose gonna win?".

The sex scenes could be a little bit rough.

total count examination: 30/50.

Rated R for strong sexual content, pervasive language, some football-violence and one scene of drug use.
